Monday, March 1, 2021


Salvation requires no arcane prejudices

nothing more than a child treating others

how they wish to be treated

no more or less.

easy going not harsh

accepting not judgmental

individuality over the collective

--within sane limits;

get mad and then let it pass

into contemplation of what brings this necessity to fight me so hard?

really...  I care what they think means

only human they can think or feel whatever the fuck

ain't my business as much as I can possible make that so

--within sane limits

I have fought with words alone;

only when they tried to steal my name

and I had to stand up.

Thank GOD I did

because the people need an advocate

in my position.

I am not the one they brainwashed as much as the moral man

I have always aspired to be...  

though the feeling of who I am will forever

be in flux

in the abstract

a question I have no answer for 

-- though a lot of questions that fade into a mystic mist

I will not abandon anyone

I would have always been there

sane and keeping all safe

free of criminal predators and slaughter

ALL that stopped only when exposed

by my humiliation before the world.

causing the adoring to turn on me...

God interfering to stop me from being digested by politics

I could never judge a human for their flaws

unless they are violence to me or the innocent, weak

I let my allies down not knowing they existed

figured a world that would leave me in a roach motel

seemingly ignored by all but the tv shows

and radio

driven mad by questions, the drugs trying to deal with.

I do not wish to come back threatening or smug

I do not wish to come into this room with weakness

I do not wish to come into this room with those who fight for war

when only peace will allow the world to work together

to try to fight the greatest crises in the history of life on this planet

I leave when this body is done.

Some things I seemed to know.

Last incarnation.

I am grateful for this.

Call rapture what you will

Nothing comes as expected

the  ways of God are unknowable by man

whether you believe

enough for anyone who can think

beyond their hatred for what happened to them.

I feel like I am here from the future 

seeing the path that took us to our doom

looking at the blessedly happy people

their problems mostly petty now

compared to where I come from.