Friday, August 11, 2017

The CHRIST WALKS... brought to you by billions of dollars, and over half a decade of planning... for OPERATION BLUEBEAM.

Unless you google operation bluebeam, my story will have less credibility...  the brainwashing came the night of a UFO siting at OHARE Airport, that wikapedia even talks about.   What the two have to do with each other I am not sure.  I was to be Christ, but I felt like an alien, and believed I had lived lives on many alien planets, could imagine them as easily as closing my eyes in the state of mind I was in, with drugs and the post traumatic effects of having my life go from quite obscurity, I thought, to being watched by all these people and having such dramatic effects on the world.   The operation was never mine, just the face.   They were telling people I was the leader, AND I WROTE LIKE I WAS IN A MOSTLY FICTIONAL MANNER, BECAUSE THERE WERE NONE OF THESE PEOPLE IN my physical life, though my television and a cable group became their connection to me, as many in the media revolted, as I had asked them to, against mighty people, just not exactly the ones I would have gone after.

YOU MUST REMEMBER I JOKED about a cult and all this, though actually cults had always fascinated me, like serial killers, not because I would involve myself, but because the mentality is so different than my own than I tried to glimpse it.   I was not told of the extent of this until I finally made big enough of a mistake, due to my ignorance, for my critics -- haters for the most part, though with the same hate I would have for someone who did what they thought I had --- to come after me and tell me what had happened, on a mission they had to DRAFT me into and  BRAINWASH me to get me to go along with at all, and even then  I sabotaged the attempt.   They chose someone who has spent his life avoiding being bought out, and I was willing to die for that value.   No one usually gets into the elite with attitude, but since they grabbed me, instead of recruited me, they did not know.

The cult does or does not deserve the term.  I do not know.... the strict usage of the term means a budding religion....   no value judgement.   Then all of these cults started cropping up and at least some were made by intelligence agents, like the Hari Krishna, which remain a right wing buyer of newspapers, the Washington post...  brainwashing people is too easy....  keeping that way requires a lot of reinforcement, which was taken away from me.   They stopped wanting me think I was Christ....  though that thought will never go away.... a sacred warmth fills my chest at the thought and the strong belief that I must do what is right because I respect and agree with my father, not because it is some commandment.

I do not think much of the present holy books.  All of them need revised, the old salt Christ talked about tossed out......    I have written sentences with the meaning of the last two many times, and with them everytime comes to mind a horrifying piece of the intelligence agencies doing in all this, one night when a confirmed cia murderer, told me, with the most bizarre, serial killer look of belief WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE OLD SALT.   He thought I was on their side because I invited him over, but he was just my pot dealer, that was all... not a friend.  My connections let me know right away that I wanted to stay away from these guys.   I did not.  I studied them.  Later someone called me to in code report two hits they did, and something else, that he had watched a sci fi movie where these people who came out of living under ground, were pisseed....  NOW, this is so out of character for the man I thought I was dealing with that I realized he was a spy, just like that....   later, I realize he was reporting they had killed two types of religious followers, I believe....  and that some people had taken a short story I wrote literally and had lived under ground, thinking this was part of my plan.

My fiction, written before my conversion, was all taken as scripture, and revolutionary plans.... they were not at the time from anything more than a revolutionary thinking mind.  I regret what these jokes caused.... the acts of total faith that people did in their name inspires me.   I mourn their injuries and deaths, though that people out there are willing to give their lives in the name of God, which they did....  this was not my plan, which is why when I first heard of the deaths I was stunned, and said, THIS MUST BE GOD... because it sure as hell was not my intention, as a religious leader of any kind.... to do the things I had heard about.

I heard terrible things about the religious followers, though my sources were mostly their enemies, I suppose....  I said many things to the bugs in my apartment, figured  I was getting to actually talk to the man, so  I should... because I could.  What the fuck... and when the tv began mimicking me, and showing things that I knew were inspired by what I said, though in different ways, and showing me the results....  I thought the violence they showed me, like against hypocritical gay hating ministers and their people, and politicians and their followers, shown on Supernatural by Castiel, who wore the trench coat that used to be my trade mark, and appeared during operation bluebeam, which they were of courses using the television for.   Then they began to show me on the web.  I also saw on Supernatural many things, tiny things...  I was finally shown as Kevin, I guess, when they realized I had been sucked into this world knowing noting about it, declared a prophet out of the blue when I was really this whiz student...  he kept telling them I'M NOT GAY... and waking up going OH GOD.. which I was doing at the time.   They were very involved, though  I did not know there were sides back then, or which one they were on.  I usually learn more when  I write something that pisses people off rather than pleases them.

A couple years ago feeling weak after a surgery and like I would never be able to stop this genocide I decided that no matter who I had to work with, I had to stop this genocide.   I should not have written this, because I was not taking into account recent history, when I had to fight hard to get the Jews rights because the Nazi's did gain all this power.   I do not share anyone's philosophy except my own, however, what someone believes who is beside you throwing buckets of water on your burning house is irrelevant for the moment.   In the first months after the brainwashing, when I was still being watched and tens of millions were convinced Christ was back, I had no idea who was behind me, then the hints they were Nazi's came in, and I had helped them.... inadvertently.   I did not know the good guys from the bad guys in that war.   I told you lies and tried to scare you and thought I was getting my fifteen minutes of fame so I would shock the world.    I did not feel like I could get anything done.... I was made HOMELESS after being declared an angel?   That was when Bush was trying to punish me for something I did not know would happen if I wrote a poem....  saying his brother was disgraced for stealing the election....   had I known the power of my words I would have cut out my tongue.

I had all this power  I did not know about.  Very seldom did someone come up to me with a cryptic message.... and occasionally something I said something about happened, like saying I would like to see a jazz concert with old masters and young kids just starting out... they put on the show a few blocks from house, and when I walked in, a sax player suddenly broke into a bit of a Christmas song, because there was a santa association going on with me in the underground at the moment, unrelated to the religion.

The people who controlled the religions that started up around me, some went out with the best of intentions, others to pirate and be rebels for no reason at all, as far as I could tell....   a group with a well oiled killing machine, able to get read of all the bodies sent at them, and there were more than I care to begin to think about... down that path lies madness.  They kept the numbers from me for plausible denial and because I did not need to know, etc... but I have learned enough horrors not to be curious... cause that will drive the cat crazy.... or kill it.   From inside.   I have heard of so much death...

I worry the hoziers song take me to church, which became the number one song, because the media is coming at me with everything they have, being CIA and Irish... as was this band.  Instead of going ahead with attacks, they stunned me at the last second with the question with no intelligence... that was your mistake, and I do not know if I will every trust you again, or you I...  but I meant you no harm, and what you accused me of thru will Ferrell shows your utter depravity and cowardice, actually....   I do not know if it would be better for the working man if you won or lost, but they are my concern, of all colors.  I WILL NOT KILL FOR THE LIBERALS, OR THE CONSERVATIVES.  Murdering people to save the planet is the insanity, not fighting those who propagate war all the time and taking our country from them...

Mine will always be a revolutionary religion, as was Christ, who hung out with killers, Zealots, and was crucified between men marked ZEALOTS, not thieves, who had their hands cut off/   The romans at the time crucified mostly the revolutionaries, like the guy who told his followers to sell their cloaks and get swords.....  I think a few lines of Jesus remain IN THE BIBLE... I used to think they were clues I left myself over the years, to find the truth among all the bullshit, and that I would rewrite the bible....

I still think this is needed, but if most people are genocided, that will be the rapture...  the few hiding in holes left behind after the apocalypse will be given an immortal hell of trying to survive in a nuclear winter.  I wrote a story about the descendants of people left behind by Christ.   They waited in vain... though they believed, rightly so, one day they would get another chance...  they don't in the story, but that becomes their myth, and the protagonist is a monk.  

I AM not very familiar with trying to live my life by dictates in the bible.  I never took the book that seriously, to be honest.  I was reading very young and the secular novelists effected me strongly, with their arguments against the bible.  I believed in God, but I was not worried about being judged.  I was not a criminal or anything.    I had behaviors a little Christian morality would have helped me avoid that hurt to this day.... but my mother for one taught us we could not judge gay people, because she was pretty radical, a union leader who marched with all kinds of groups,  and this was ati Christian.  There was no drinking or smoking at the Bible Baptist Church, either, but dad and mom did both.

THE BELIEF PEOPLE HAVE IN THAT BOOK IS, IN PLACES, MISFOUNDED, OLD SALT... the bible should be slightly ahead of science, not behind.  If the world is older than six thousand years make the correction and move on.  People changed the bible all the time, why stop with a self serving King James?

I always come in here to apologize.  This entire blog, ripping open the wounds again, no matter how deep... has to be done, as a testament to the FREE WILL all must use, no matter who their leader seems to be.

I do not know if my place has dropped so far that the Nazi labelled, their latest greatest ploy, is going to work.  I think the so called left will say or do anything to discredit me at this point.   Not caring who I fight beside to stop you....  I drew, very early on when I was being watched closely, a cemetery with certain thoughts behind them, one was bringing all people together, no longer having hatred like between the Nazi's and the Jews and I drew their symbols on tombstones.  I should have written or said what this was about because it was mistaken....  I am not a Nazi and not have I ever been one.  But until I learn more about all groups, I will trust none, really....  I will protect any of them from being hurt, as I have tried here, where I helped a Jewish mayor take over, thinking that would stop abuse.

One of the most famous folk here Ophra is a Nazi leader and I had no fucking clue... I wrote something all pissed off one day that they took to be me going after Ohpra and she announced she was leaving town.   I heard the mayor then say, if you do not want her to leave, do not say bad things about her... well, I knew nothing about Oprha other than she had been nice to me when this all first started... so I said she is the trooper of the year... and they flashed her face on tv a number of times like she was happy.... then the show Glee, the black actress with Oprhas shape, came on showing me a Nazi mustache and telling me what Oprha was.... then  I was glad she was leaving, and went after her more, until she gave up her studio here in town.  Notice she got the last interview with the last departing first lady for a glimpse into how complex this world is, because the Obama's are considered Eagles, so the eagles in politics work with the Brown, which is what the Nazi's are called, and many are black....

I will never get used to people taking a few lines out of context from my entire life, and trying to damn me with them....  when a simple discussion would have avoided any animosity.  I say this to sarah silverman and others who underestimate my ignorance way too often.

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