Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I used to hear murderers say, OH, anybody in the right situation is a murderer.' I do not believe that, but I do believe we can be killers. The original commandment in the bible was though shall not murder. Killing is different. I was threatened with being sold into sexual slavery, getting messages like them finding kids with the same last name as mine, and chopping them into little pieces, to get messages thru the news. That the whole fuckin media and star system are in on this would blow peoples mind. I am now more surprised by people who know about the world of intelligence, the witting, who actually see behind the veil, than are ignorant of it... because I had no clue when they drafted me what that world was like. I became monstrous... to the point of once ... during a war that was using child soldiers none the less, that my soldiers were holy and if I caught them I would kill ten of their children for every one of mine that died.

 A lot of these kids had parents on one side or another mind you... and were totally innocent, probably did not even know other kids had been drafted into urban warfare at fourteen. Fuck, once, in this town snipers were picking off the Marines from innocent civilian houses, which was traumatic as hell for them, because their houses got all shot up. They would then tell the marines that they did not know who the sniper was. Well, a lot of civilians and marines were getting killed in this, so I had them go in, and the next family that denied knowing the sniper, I had them kill the family and mutilate the corpses.. even joked, bring me a necklace of ears, and on the news they reported on the civilian bodies found and how their ears had been cut off. The result was the civilians all turned in the snipers, so they were safe from retributions because the marines would drive all of them out at once. It worked. It saved a lot of lives... but living with that afterwards, thinking of those kids getting shot down without knowing why..... later, they burned down peoples houses for awhile if they said they did not know the sniper, when it all got out of hand. But it was a slippery slope killing, and sending people to die. There were times I fucking loved it to be honest. When I killed these shit heads who were taking slaves, tv stars, and forcing them into homosexual slavery, and they bought off the local cops so no one was doing anything... I put together a fucking army from the Scottish Rite and we took their asses out. There are a lot of people with licenses to kill in this world, and those of us who understand this is war look at it like that. No one like me would ever get near a court, I know way too much... sorry to go on man, we should message. I know way too much about this stuff, but in other ways little... it is a big puzzle, intelligence, and the families who really run things, etc... I am in on of the families who drafted me at 45 or I never would have had anything to do with it, except in my writing...

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